Contact details:

Corporate name: BRICS ACCESS
Postal address: 23 rue Balzac 75008 Paris
Managing Editor: Mr Gérard Wolf
Capital stock: 1,000 Euros – Company Register No.: 799 718 531 – European VAT No.: FR 91 799718531
Design and layout : IPSO FACTO
Development and web mastering: BWAT
Hosting: OVH – 140, Quai du Sartel – 59100 – Roubaix – FRANCE

Copyright – Permission to Reproduce:
The information given on this site is in the public domain.
Reproduction of the pages on this site is authorised provided that the source is referenced and a link is created to the page(s) concerned.
They may not be used for commercial or advertising purposes.
In the case of nominative data present on this site, users must respect all relevant regulations in force as well as the recommendations of the French National Data Protection Commission (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL).

Responsibility for content:
BRICS ACCESS takes the greatest care regarding the creation and updating of this site.
BRICS ACCESS cannot guarantee, however, the accuracy of the information presented on it.
Users are aware that the information may be modified at any time without warning.
This site may provide links or references to other sites.
BRICS ACCESS is not responsible for the content of the aforementioned external sites, and cannot be held responsible for any resulting harm or injury.
These external links are provided to users of the present site solely for their convenience.

Contact form:
In accordance with article 27 of the French Data Protection Act of the 6th of January 1978, all information that is essential to the company that exploits the site, as well as to its partners, for the processing and executing of orders or services, is indicated in the pages of the site.
Any other information requested, for which the response is optional, is gathered solely to better know the user and thus improve the services offered.
The company that exploits the site agrees to respect all French and European legislation regarding the protection of personal information.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, users have the right to access, modify, correct and delete information concerning them (Article 34 of the Data Protection Act of the 6th of January 1978).

Users may exercise this right by writing to the following address:
BRICS ACCESS 23 rue Balzac 75008 Paris

You can let us know about malfunctions, dead links or any other difficulties encountered with the site via our contact form.