BRICS Access helps you in your projects to
set up and invest in emerging markets
with high growth potential.

Un des enjeux cruciaux des années à venir est de former des managers « tous terrains », capables d’opérer aussi bien en pays émergents que dans les économies de type OCDE. BRICS Access travaille sur un projet de « business case » commun entre une importante Business School de Moscou et une homologue parisienne.

One of the decisive issues in the coming years is the training of senior confirmed managers capable of operating both in emerging countries and OECD type economies. BRICS Access is working on a common “business case” project between a major Business School in Moscow and a Parisian counterpart.

BRICS Access aide une entreprise de services à s’implanter au Mozambique, pays à forte croissance. Quel type de partenariat monter, avec notamment une composante « local content » sur la formation des managers. quels contacts politiques ? Quelle gouvernance ? Autant de pièges à éviter !

BRICS Access helps a service company to set up in Mozambique, a country with strong growth. What type of partnership do we create, notably with a local content component in the training of managers? What political contacts? What governing structure? So many pitfalls to avoid!

Un important Equity fund occidental est prêt à investir fortement au Brésil dans le secteur énergétique. La recherche de partenaires locaux fiables et les meilleurs moyens de dérisquer le projet sont au cœur du dialogue avec BRICS Access.

A large western Equity Fund is ready to invest heavily in the energy sector in Brazil. The quest for reliable local partners and the best methods to minimize the project’s risks are at the heart of the dialogue with BRICS Access.



Assisting French companies to enter into the emerging markets, especially BRICS.
Or advising companies from these counties on finding partners in France.



Advising Equity funds on investments in
projects in these same emerging markets.



Academic activities: courses and conferences (Further Education) on the BRICS markets, partnerships with comparable local establishments, particularly in Russia and in Brazil.